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Club Committee


Paul Mason,

Paul is one of our Founding Members and over the years has covered many different roles for the Club including Secretary, Welfare Officer and Development Coach.


Lisa Mason,
Secretary & Co-Founder

Lisa is our main point of contact for the FA, teams and parents. She performs all the administrative duties for the Club. Lisa has always enjoyed sport, is passionate about equality and has many years of experience working with children. When Lisa started Huntingdon Girls FC her vision was to create an environment which offers every girl in the community the opportunity to learn, play and enjoy football with an overall goal of nurturing every aspect of their development.


Heather James,

Heather looks after the club’s finances. She pays expenses, collects subs and keeps a record of our accounts. Heather is also responsible for applying for grants. Heather is a community volunteer with over 30 years experience in accounts. She currently works for a nationwide maintenance company as a Purchase Ledger Supervisor.  

Our committee members are all volunteers from the local area who have a passion for developing girls' football.

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Trevor Nightingill

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Sam Swales
Welfare Officer


Yvonne Pin
Social Media Officer

I am new to the club welfare role having only just started it this season. There are two key responsibilities to my role:


1. Be informed and aware of the league and club’s responsibilities when running football activities for children and young people. For example:
* ensuring these responsibilities are well understood by others
* developing best practice processes.

2. Helping league and club personnel understand their ‘duty of care’ towards children and young people. For example:
* ensuring all relevant people complete The FA’s ‘Safeguarding Children’ training
* managing the roll out of FA CRB checks

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